C++ Blog

Monday, April 16, 2007

When "constructor initializer list" is mandatory?

1) To initialize const data member
2) To initialize reference data member
3) To call a non-default constructor in base class
4) To call a non-default constructor for a member object

For example

class Game {
GameBoard gb;
// Composition
// Default GameBoard constructor called:
Game() { cout << "Game()\n"; }
// You must explicitly call the GameBoard
// copy-constructor or the default constructor
// is automatically called instead:
Game(const Game& g) : gb(g.gb) { cout << "Game(const Game&)\n"; }
Game(int) { cout << "Game(int)\n"; }
Game& operator=(const Game& g) {
// You must explicitly call the GameBoard
// assignment operator or no assignment at
// all happens for gb!
gb = g.gb;
cout << "Game::operator=()\n";
return *this;

****** Code sample taken from Thinking in C++ by Bruce Eckel **********


At 2:26 AM, Blogger N Navaneetha Krishnan said...

Hi,... Great work peeps... keep writing... eagerly looking for new updates


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